Services Offered

I provide services to improve any form of writing for both individuals and business owners. However, I have a special place in my heart for working with fiction books, especially thrillers, mysteries, and contemporary fiction. I am open to work outside of these genres. These are my favorites to read and so the genres I am the most familiar with. I do not work with stories that contain horror, gore, or abuse.


This service is best fitted for projects that have already been edited, are in their final copy, and need to be checked over once more before publishing.

  • Adjust formatting for consistency and overall style.
  • Check for and fix minor mechanical errors (such as spelling mistakes or deviations from your style sheet).
  • Check for consistency and accuracy within elements of the material (such as headings and hyperlinks).
  • Comment on any areas of the text that seem unclear to bring them to your attention.
  • Markup all elements of the text using Microsoft Word’s Track Changes feature and Comments feature.


This service is best fit for a manuscript that is completed and ready for the writing and style to be polished. This service will focus on the mechanical aspects of your writing.

  • Markup all elements of the text using Microsoft Word’s Track Changes feature and Comments feature.
  • Ensure consistency in all mechanical matters: spelling, capitalization, punctuation, hyphenation, abbreviations, format.
  • Check correlating parts: contents page against chapters, number of footnotes or endnotes, tables, and figures.

Light Copyedit

  • Language editing: Correct indisputable errors in grammar, syntax, and usage; point out wordy or convoluted areas.
  • Content editing: Query factual inconsistencies and any statements that seem incorrect.

Medium Copyedit

  • Language editing: Correct all errors in grammar, syntax, and usage; point out wordy or convoluted areas and supply suggested revisions.
  • Content editing: Query factual inconsistencies, any statements that seem incorrect, and faulty organization and gaps in logic.

Heavy Copyedit

  • Language editing: Correct all errors and infelicities in grammar, syntax, and usage; and rewrite any wordy or convoluted patches.
  • Content editing: Verify and revise any facts that are incorrect and query or fix faulty organization and gaps in logic.

Developmental Editing

This service is best for a manuscript that has just been completed and is ready to ensure that the “big picture” of your story is ready for readers: structure, form, plot, and characters. This is also a perfect service for you if you are stuck on a part of your story and not sure where to go next. I can offer suggestions to help your story grow.

  • Suggest and make changes to the content and organization of your story.
  • Fiction stories: plot, characters, pacing, point of view.
  • Nonfiction: help define your argument and ensure it is consistent throughout your manuscript; ensure that evidence supports your thesis strongly and appropriately.

What to Expect

Deciding to Work Together

First you will fill out the Contact Me Questionnaire on my website and send me a sample of your writing. 

↳ I will email you an Intake Questionnaire for you to fill out and return.

↳ We will have a discussion to collaborate on: time frame; level of editing; and other relevant information.

↳ I will send you a proposal with a quote for you to review.

↳ We will sign the contract to begin our work together.

Working Timeline

The Editing Process

I will complete a first pass on your project and will then return the file back to you for your feedback.

↳ We will have a collaborative consultation to discuss the feedback together and ensure cohesiveness as we move forward.

↳ You will review my suggestions and leave comments, accept changes you agree with, and offer more feedback.

↳ I will complete a second pass on the project.

↳ I will return the work with a completed style sheet once final payment has been processed.

Transform Your Words, Perfect Your Message


What style guide do you use?

I have training with the Chicago Manual of Style but have experience with APA style as well. I can adhere to other style manuals and in-house style guides as necessary.

What markup tools are used?

I utilize the Track Changes function in Microsoft Word. I insert comments and queries throughout the text as I work that you can reply to or address when you receive the copy.

What type of files do you work with?

I work with files in Microsoft Word.

How will we communicate while working together?

I am comfortable speaking on the phone, emailing, or meeting via a video call. Whichever method you are most comfortable with. I will maintain communication with you throughout our time working together via email for updates and quick questions. However, we may find a phone call or video call to be more conducive for our first meeting to discuss the project or later in our work for our collaborative consultation during the editing process.